Monday, August 4, 2008

*August time*

I start my uni today
building matherials and design communication class
I think I get stress up after the class....I know its gotta be a tough journey
perhaps with joy and statisfation

The MC for the orientation activity is a joker indeed
hahahaa...I did laugh alots throughout the activity

I hates to study till the time for sun set and moon rises
I hopes I'll get use to it after a week or more

Can you believe there's a 'dress code' in Taylor??
no spaghetti tube,no shorts....
awwuuu,*lestures* we had heard it 100 times since 1st day of orientation
Stop bullying us by restricting us =(

geram with the 'dress code'


hwee said...

so cham ar..?cannot show ur leng leng shirt dy lo...poor min...=p

Lai Yi said...

LOL dress code!!! OMG so funny