Tuesday, July 1, 2008

blue hippo under arrest

firs thing i wish to see when i wake up??white horse prince in my dream...hehe,a hot breakfast not bad too.... :D

well,i'm not tat luckly girl...what i had this morning...huh,a huge. big. blue..dump hippo on my table =(

obviously,it wont walk or fly from the shelf next room to my room...oh paa,SAT wont help lar!! i did...i did flip a few pages,err,n i reckon 10% of it help!!Let's think on dad view,why i need a SAT stupid blue hippo??

  • zhimin need to brush up n polish up her english (perhaps use DAYA detergent)
  • zhimin need to pass the (compulsory) english test
  • dad no need to masuk rm1150 to taylor account
  • zhimin no need to attent the extra classes *taylor reckon it will improve zhimin language lvl* if she fail
  • zhimin can prevent a big war with mummy if she pass

dad is the one who'll stress his daughters up by his *special* way..argh,beautiful tues holidays mood screw!!

p/s.can i read fashion magazine or on9 news or love stories instead of blue hippo


Haloha said...

haha. My lovely blue SAT book aka blue hippo who flew to ur table. Enjoy the blue hippo. DUn be frighten. It's thick..but full of same kind of questions.
the math is like kacang

the berry farm owner said...

lol,sis its a english test,no math,no science...
tat's y i said only 10% of blue hippo is useful!!kekez...