Saturday, September 20, 2008

FRIM again

haha..i know there's no updated blog these days..even i'm free this weekend

material presentation and project subbmission postponed,design communication assignment not tat hard =) i have preety much nap this weekend ..hahahaaa....

final assignment for design studio ..due 7weeks time ..that i suppose 2 build a 'larger space' aka hse in the hutan for me 2 unwind myself..that consits 4 kinds of space in my 'larger space'

visiting our site today..FRIM..we need 2 do a site analysis in gruop n choose a site 2 build my 'larger space'

our choise...canopy,the paronamic view...apparently only can found in 2 place in world..FRIM n aisa jaya..sort things like tat la (not very sure*shy*)

the land tat my space gotta located in...

our tour the nature toilet ...

thier back...hiahia...i like kiwi hair colour...I WAN 2 colour my hair too...maybe black...hahahahaa...

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